
Global Roar Sending

GlobalROAR is an emerging mission movement among cooperating local churches. Our vision is to turn the Great Commission into the Great Completion (Matthew 24:14). We do this by going; making disciples of all nations (ethnic groups); and helping to teach, train, and strengthen national pastors to plant churches among the unreached in their own countries and beyond. Our specific focus is the 70 most unreached nations and 7000 unreached people groups remaining. 

Who We Serve

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Those Called to Serve as Overseas Missionaries:  Following your training, GlobalROAR offers a strategic, progressive sending structure to help you grow and serve with excellence.  As you progress from an Internship, to Apprentice, to Associate, to a Senior Missionary, our apostolic leadership team works with your local church pastor to provide covering and accountability on the field as well as administrative support back home.   

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Pastors: GlobalROAR provides strategic, local church mission coaching, and relational networking for maximum impact worldwide. Our missionaries are good soil for you to sow your mission giving into. 


Our Strategy

Where We Serve